Author : Tejal V Dhulla 1
Date of Publication :28th October 2021
Abstract: Objectives: To determine sources of role stress among Health Care Professionals, examine the stress levels among Male and Female Health Care Professionals working in government hospitals Methodology: One hundred and thirty four (134) questionnaires were distributed to the Health Care Professionals(HCP) and one hundred and twenty (120) duly completed questionnaires were received. Non probability (Judgment) sampling method was used to select the sampled units within the government hospital for study. Statistical treatment included Factor analysis and t-test. Results: The factors causing role stress among Health Care Professionals is: (1) Inter-role distance (2) Role Stagnation (3) Role expectation conflict (4) Role Erosion (5) Role Overload (6) Role Isolation (7) Personal Inadequacy, (8) Self-role distance,(9) Role ambiguity and (10) Role Inadequacy. Inter-role distance shows 50 percent variance which was found to be a significant factor causing stress among the Health Care Professionals. t-test indicated that there was no significant difference between the stress levels among male and female HCP’s Conclusions: The study showed that Inter-role distance is most significant source or factor causing role stress among the Health Care Professionals working in the government hospital.
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