Author : Sri Charan R 1
Date of Publication :22nd November 2021
Abstract: The main aim to his paper is to Provide a system to paralyzed peoples they can travel by in wheel chair independently without need another Person. In Previous System they are giving remote control type of wheel chair controlling system is present in wheel chair. But this system is not much helpful for all the paralyzed peoples because handicapped people unable to move their hands freely. So, we go for some alternative solution is to Provides an eyeball-based wheel chair control. Camera Connected to the PC running python will capture the Eye ball and it fix the centroid of the eye based on the centroid we track the position. Then the different variation on pupil position get different command set for wheelchair. The signals pass the motor driver to interface with the wheelchair itself. The motor driver will control both speed and direction to enable the wheelchair to move forward, left, right and stop.
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