Author : Sharana Basavaraj B 1
Date of Publication :22nd November 2021
Abstract: These days, all countries keep their security at high need. Wars are being fought for land, water, and energy the position of the most powerful nation. A country’s arm forces carry with it three masterly clad services: the military, the navy, and the air force. Troopers being the backbone of any armed force typically lose their lives due to lack of medical facilitate once in an emergency, also troopers unit are involved in missions or special operations get straggled on battlefields and lose contact with the authorities. To overcome these problems we implemented this project that, practice wireless body house device network (WBANS) like temperature device, heartbeat sensor, etc. will monitor the health standing of the soldier whenever required. Also practice GPS we've got an inclination as a unit of measurement, able to track the soldier’s precise location whenever required. Using a gas level device, we incline to unit able to also monitor the condition, so authorities can provide essential aids. Communication is established between the troopers and authorities via GSM. Any abnormalities inside the readings of wireless body house device network (WBASNs) is taken into account as a trigger for GSM to figure out the association between the soldier and base unit and send the current location and health standing to the receiver. By practice, all this equipment we've got an inclination to tend to had tried to implement the basic guarding system for the soldier in low value, lightweight, transportable, and precise device.
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