Author : Anna Marie Fisker 1
Date of Publication :23rd February 2023
Abstract: This paper will focus on the state of art of the European Erasmus+ Strategic Project UPCREATE. In UPCREATE, we have been developing new and innovative approaches and methods to connect young people with an educational purpose that combine the themes of Food and Art and our shared Cultural Heritage. The paper will focus on how the combination of European Cultural Heritage, Art and Food as a gastronomical artistic field can spark innovation and entrepreneurship with young people while at the same time fostering social inclusion. The Partners of UPCREATE’s aim are to share thoughts on the interdisciplinary activities and the methodological approach that accompanied the interdisciplinary Learning, Teaching, Training Activity where all Partners and 10 European young Artists joined together on a workshop in Venice in November 2022. Before meeting in Venice, each young artist described in an essay their creative main idea, methods of study and techniques, which generally had had a deep effect on the art piece with which they had won the various National competitions. The Partners in the project also described the process of launching the call for the competition, the cooperation with the young artists working and not least the art event where the winners were chosen. Along the way in our work, we asked the question how does cultural identity influence art. In planning the final activity in Venice, an interdisciplinary workshop dedicated to create a Session at the 59th International Art Biennale, we focused on investigating whether it is cultural identity that influences art, or art that constructs culture.
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