Author : Khadija Anjum 1
Date of Publication :12th September 2023
Abstract: Phytotoxicity assessment plays a crucial role in understanding the potential environmental impact of nanoparticles. This study aimed to screen the phytotoxicity of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), iron nanoparticles (FeNPs), and sulphur nanoparticles (SNPs). Vigna radiata (Mung bean) was germinated with two concentration gradients of nanoparticles (500mg/L and 1000mg/L). The extent of phytotoxicity was assessed to understand the effect of AgNPs, FeNPs, and SNPs on overall plant growth and nutrition. The nutritive values of mung bean seeds were determined in terms of total starch, soluble sugar, and amylase. Preliminary analysis of physiological and biochemical parameters revealed evidence of phytotoxicity in the plants. AgNPs exhibited the highest phytotoxicity at both concentrations (500mg/L and 1000mg/L), followed by FeNPs and then SNPs. Interestingly, the application of 500mg/L of SNPs led to the attainment of maximum growth and yield. The study highlighted the significance of sulphur and iron nanoparticles as vital nutrients for enhancing the productivity of Mung beans. However, it is noteworthy that preliminary results of AgNPs, SNPs, and FeNPs had a suppressive effect on plant growth and showed phytotoxicity, particularly at higher concentrations.
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