Author : Manisha Murthynath 1
Date of Publication :20th November 2023
Abstract: This study is to help nurses to sustain working environment that focuses on less stressful and more optimistic ways of managing and carrying work at hospitals. The study emphasis on the role of stress levels on quality of work life and self-efficacy among nurses and help hospitals realize the need to focus more on nurses coping styles that would increase their endurance and capacity to deal with the people and their cooperation skills at workplace. The sample comprises of nurses from different private hospitals in Bangalore. The sample was selected through random sampling technique and 103 nurses were considered for this study. The instruments used for this study are Occupation Stress Index (OSI) 46 items and then the quality of work-life was assessed using Work-Related Quality of Life (WRQoL) Scale consisting of 24 items of questions and Self- Efficacy questionnaire was administered which comprised of 10 questions that were related to daily life and work routine. The statical analysis was made using Pearson’s correlation test. The results showcased significant positive relationship between quality of work life and self-efficacy and showcased their relation with stress. The highlight of this study is the need to promote healthy working environment through effective soft skill programs that enable nurses to improve their mental health and working styles.
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