Author : Fajar Restuhadi, Rachel Dwi Al’antasena, Nur Sofyan, Aria Sandhy, Ari Sandhyavitri
Date of Publication :8th September 2024
Abstract: The most common Weather Modification Technology (WMT) application is cloud seeding, which aims to enhance precipitation rates. Previous studies showed that implementing WMT has successfully suppressed peatland fires in Indonesia as an engineering solution for reducing wildfire disasters. Data acquired from the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (2023) revealed that Sambas Regency, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia experienced the most significant forest and peatland fires on record. This study examines the influence of WMT in reducing Greenhouse gas emissions in the Sambas Regency caused by these fires. This study employed a target-only method to assess whether WMT implementation can increase precipitation, decrease hot spots, minimize wildfire areas, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The INCAS method is then used to estimate the greenhouse gas emissions caused by wildfires. The findings demonstrated that WMT positively impacts increasing precipitation rates (PCH of 1.04 >1), reducing hot spots ((PHS of -1 < 1), and size of wildfire areas (PLS) of 0.23< 1), and consequently, mitigating greenhouse gas emissions (CHS of 0.77< 1). This study provided real data for the effectiveness of WMT in a specific context. It proposed its use as a strategy for mitigating wildfire disasters and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Indonesia, which aligns with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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